Feature Highlight Social Media Messaging Tool

Posted by Tina Hoang

The Field of Dreams Fallacy (the idea that “if I build it, they will come”) is something that we see far too often when it comes to social media promotions.

Getting the word out through timely, planned communications and engaging in real-time with your community members is key in a successful social media promotion. You need a solid communications plan and the right tools to help you reach and monitor your audience.

That’s a major reason why we created the Messaging Center for our customers.

The Messaging Center allows you to easily schedule Facebook and Twitter posts ahead of time so you can focus on growing your audience, engaging with your community and executing the rest of your communications plan.

For example, through the Messaging Center, you can schedule posts to publish automatically based on triggers like a Timeline event like when the voting round opens or particular goals like when you reach 100 entries. Or, you can create customized messages to post immediately or at a specific date and time with links, images, files.

You can also enable Facebook Targeting so that your message reaches only fans with a particular location, language, gender or age range.

Hop over to our FAQs for a full run-through on how to use the messaging tool. And check out this Kissmetrics post on top free and paid social media monitoring tools to accompany the messaging tool.

We hope that you find the new messaging tool useful! Click here to sign up for your free account with Strutta or log in to access the Message Center.