New Feature User Profiles and Participation Scores

Posted by Tina Hoang

I’ve got a confession to make: I’m a sucker for “best of” and “predictions” posts. How about you?

As social media marketing is a relatively new practice, I find it worthwhile to take the time to see what worked, what didn’t work, and what best practices have emerged from those who have found success over the year and consider how I can apply them moving forward. And when it comes to predictions, I always take them with a grain a salt. The value of shared predictions for me comes in the questions that they evoke and the solutions that they inspire.

One prediction for marketing in 2013 that we at Strutta totally agree with comes from Susan Marshall, Senior Director of Product Marketing - Social Product Line at ExactTarget. In Inspired Marketing Predictions for 2013, she predicts:

Quality of fans and followers will matter more than quantity, and savvy marketers will begin to find creative ways to leverage social to drive higher performing interactions.

In this light, we’re pleased to introduce improved user profiles and participation scores! Now you can see at a glance who your most valuable fans and followers are in your Strutta dashboard. This new feature is designed to help you identify your key influencers and connect with your most valuable customers.

######A preview of the improved user profiles and participation scores in available now in your Strutta dashboard.

As with all of the data that is tracked in our dashboard, results and ranks are presented in real-time. If Dana Arnold of Hiebing thought the dashboard is awesome before, this new feature should be welcome addition!

In addition to gathering general and geographic user data, you can now also keep track of which actions each user takes in your promotion. With this data, you can really begin to understand who your target audience is, how they respond to your promotions and how they interact on social media. Use this data to adjust your strategy and communications on the fly for best results.

The participation score value is a numerical representation (1 to 10) of the user’s level of interaction within the application. The technology which generates this score compares the individual user’s activity (entries, votes, views, shares, referrals, etc.) against the activity level of the application as a whole and derives a meaningful value which allows you gather important insight into participant activity.

Simply log into your Strutta promotion’s dashboard and hover over the image or name of any user to see the new profile and participation score. For more specifics on the new user profiles, hop over to our FAQs.

We’ll continue to improve this feature to include additional user data, cross-promotion metrics and more but we want to know, what’s on your wish list for understanding your target market and contest participants? What do you want to see in the Strutta dashboard? Let us know. Tweet @strutta using the box to the right or contact us.

PS. If you’re a sucker for 2013 predictions posts like I am, hop over to the Huffington Post to see what’s in our CEO Ben Pickering’s crystal ball!